Mug Root Beer

mug root beerI really like the root beers with dogs on the label.  I’m actually not a big dog fan . . . scooping up their poop, laying down on the couch and finding a big clump of dog hair, cleaning up dog puke on the carpet . . . you get the idea.  But when a dog is pictured on the label of a root beer it seems instantly better, i.e. Bulldog Root Beer.

Mug Root Beer is basically a generic root beer that is a little more well known and found in almost any supermarket I’ve ever visited.   The ingredient list is pretty comparable to other root beers with high fructose corn syrup as the second ingredient.

The main flavor in this brew is licorice, and although some may find it a little overbearing, I actually like it for a change.  This root beer’s “one-trick pony” or should I say “one-trick dog” is the licorice and for the moment I am digging it.

My most important co-professor agreed with me wholeheartedly and even posed with the ole boot mug.

All of my education and my experience tell me that this root beer shouldn’t be rated above a “D,” but my taste buds so want to give this a “B.”

The Professor’s Grade:  B –

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