Monthly Archives: March 2004

Pirate’s Keg Root Beer

Pirate's Keg Root BeerAaargh . . . shiver me root beer . . . touch me root, feel me boot . . . yo ho ho and a bottle of root beer . . . okay, enough with the corny pirate sayings . . . for now anyway.

This is has a beautiful dark rich color with a light head.  It has the perfect amount of fizz, but unfortunately the taste is far from perfect.  This is basically an average root beer – bland, banal, blah, dull, humdrum, monotonous, tame, uninspiring, watery, weak, wishy-washy.

I did end up drifting off into a day-dream that had Johnny Depp, Pirates Keg Root Beer and a big chest of gold, but I was jolted back to life by the root beer dribble going down my chin.

If you can’t trust a pirate you can trust a pirate’s brew

The Professor’s Grade:  D